Marcus Str.
Husband, flight sim pilot, IT specialist

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All posts in Around the Internet

Celebrity Six was finally found [September 14 2024, 15:48]
When the entire World of Warcraft becomes a liminal space [August 30 2024, 12:07]
The Last Minute Before Shutdown of Chinese WoW Servers [August 13 2024, 08:57]
How will we know when AI is conscious? [July 10 2024, 15:19]
The Strangest Mysteries Solved with Google Maps [July 01 2024, 21:44]
The Fall of Boeing [June 28 2024, 11:30]
Shame on you if you still trust Boeing - for anything [June 27 2024, 21:58]
Out of Bounds [June 15 2024, 22:32]
The diminishing returns of in-office mandates [June 13 2024, 10:25]
The Fall of Flight 123 [June 11 2024, 17:17]
The original Backrooms photo location has finally been found [June 11 2024, 15:17] An Internet Mystery [June 11 2024, 15:11]
Earthrise astronaut dies at 90 in plane crash [June 11 2024, 14:48]

© 2024 Marcus Str.