Marcus Str.
Husband, flight sim pilot, IT specialist

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The Fall of Boeing
Around the Internet

There is a reason why people went from "If it's Boeing, I am going!" to "If it's Boeing, I'm not going!". And to make matters worse for the former icon of aviation, is that evidence has come to light in which the airplane manufacturer may be involved in hitman like murders (yes, murders) of two employees who testified against the company.

"If anything happens to me, it's not suicide"

is what Joshua Dean, a Quality Operator who testified against Boeing, said. Shortly before he, an otherwise perfectly healthy man, was found dead - because of a "mystery illness".

This isn't the first time someone who was (for lack of a better word) uncomfortable for Boeing, was taken out of the equation.

John Barnett, a Veteran Quality Assurance worker, who also testified in the ongoing lawsuit, was found dead two months prior. Allegedly with a "self-inflicted" gunshot wound in his head.

But you can trust Boeing if you want to.

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