Marcus Str.
Husband, flight sim pilot, IT specialist

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What if we live inside a Black Hole in a Black Hole... in a Black Hole?
Nature of Existence

Black Holes are weird to begin with. They break our maths and understanding of time and space, and no one can really figure out just what the heck is going on beyond the event horizon. All we know is they are massive, dense, no light escapes them, and other funky things like time bends, slows down... it is really mind-bending stuff.

The theory that everything, meaning - the entire universe - is existing within a Black Hole is not new - but maths behind it suggest that we might be actually existing within a Black Hole that "spawned" our universe, besides many others, and models that describe how it would be inside a Black Hole sound eerily similar to what we are actually observing at this very moment. Everything is expanding and moving away from us with no defined center is one of these things.

I'll let Kurzgesagt brief you on the details... but let it be known that these ten minutes or so may change your view of life and the universe as a whole.

For me one of two scenarios is the most likely for our reality: 1) everything exists in a Black Hole larger than our universe, or 2) we are living in some kind of simulation or program.

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