Marcus Str.
Husband, flight sim pilot, IT specialist

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Another option if you cannot afford a G1000 replica

If you are really into flight simulation and absolutely want to be immersed in it as much as possible, there is almost no way around getting some kind of peripheral which mimics a glass cockpit, which is found in many GA aircraft these days. Favorites seem to be the Garmin G1000 and G3000. Of course, if you have the coin, you can simply go here (Link), order it, set it up and be done with it. You can stop reading now if you have that much money.

However many don't have that much to spare. I already came up with a solution that, for the most part, works - you can read it here (Link).

But then, in my travels, I encountered this:

It is a longer video - but watch it. Nothing short of impressive and it looks, and feels, like the real deal. This got me thinking - I could design and possible have a casing 3D-printed, tailored to my desk and equipment, and create my own custom cockpit panels and displays, including functioning buttons. I am already working on something else which I will publish here soon once everything is set up, so I could make it work. Something along the lines of the MARSTR-3000 glass cockpit.

I will go and see how much such buttons cost, what I need to do. I already know I will need Arduinos - could be a fun little project.

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