Marcus Str.
Husband, flight sim pilot, IT specialist

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Solving error 126 for Plugins

So you just purchased your new shiny plugin from the store, and want to use it. Say XPRealistic. You fire up your cockpit, and want to change some settings in the plugin... only to find that the plugin is not shown in the Plugins list in the menu, and nowhere to be found in the Plugin Admin window.

You then go to inspect the Log.txt file in your X-Plane install root folder, skim through the file, and you find something like this:

Error Code = 126 : The specified module could not be found

This means you are missing something on your computer for the plugin to work properly. Or even at all. The chances are high that your are missing

- the current version of Python on your machine
- some or all Visual C runtimes from Microsoft

In this situation I highly recommend visiting Microsoft's Visual C runtime page - which is here: (Link), download all supported runtimes for x86 and x64 (32 and 64 bit respectively), and install those. Don't worry, they are not large files or downloads.

Next, you head over to the Python download page: (Link), and download the current stable version for Windows. Next, of course, install that too. I recommend installing for all users.

Reboot your machine.

Next, start X-Plane again - and admire all your plugins working and ready in your list. Enjoy.

© 2024 Marcus Str.