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MarStr 2024-07-10 17:04:10 +02:00
commit dca990859c
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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import boto3 # pip install boto3
import pygame # pip install pygame
import time
import io
import random
import os
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enter your access data and your AWS region
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_aws_key = "YOUR_AWS_KEY"
atc_aws_secret = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET"
atc_aws_region = "SERVER REGION"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do you want to see ATC messages in the console also?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_show_responses = True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# The voice model you want to use.
# Depending on the model you want, the prices are per 1m characters
# generated vary *drastically*.
# 'standard' is the cheapest, 'neural' the most expensive one.
# Depending on the model you pick, the list of voices vary also.
# Pricing:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_aws_voicemodel = 'standard'
# atc_aws_voicemodel = 'neural'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define where your X-Plane log file is located
# This usually sits in the root of your X-Plane folder, named Log.txt
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_xplane_log = "M:\\Flight Sim\\Simulator\\12\\Log.txt"
#atc_xplane_log = "C:\\Users\\windo\\Desktop\\Log.txt"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Put in your call sign. Must be the same you entered in 124th ATC
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_callsign = "MST 6012"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do you want to hear "your voice" when contacting ATC?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_captain_voice = True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Select your pilot's voice
# Ideally you will need to remove your selected voice from the array
# of available Polly voices below, so that it does not come up as
# your ATC voice
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_pilot_voice = 12
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
print(" ")
print(" ---------------------------------------------- ")
print(" 124thAWS")
print(" Making 124thATC sound more natural")
print(" ---------------------------------------------- ")
print(" Developed by MarStrMind")
print(" License: MIT")
print(" ---------------------------------------------- ")
print(" Using file: " + atc_xplane_log)
print(" ---------------------------------------------- ")
print(" ")
# The voice names available for playback, depending on the model
# Of course, you can remove any that you do not like
# Sources for voice names:
# -
# -
atc_voices = None
if atc_aws_voicemodel == "standard":
atc_voices = ["Nicole", "Russell", "Amy", "Emma", "Brian", "Aditi", "Raveena", "Joanna", "Kendra", "Kimberly", "Salli", "Joey", "Geraint"]
# After testing, I removed Ivy from this list. It sounded too child-like.
if atc_aws_voicemodel == "neural":
atc_voices = ["Olivia", "Amy", "Emma", "Brian", "Arthur", "Kajal", "Niamh", "Aria", "Ayanda", "Danielle", "Gregory", "Ivy", "Joanna", "Kendra", "Kimberly", "Salli", "Joey", "Matthew", "Ruth", "Stephen"]
# Missing in this list are Justin and Kevin -
# they are declared as being young child voices - you normally do not hear children on an ATC transmission.
# Setup our Polly session to AWS
atc_polly_client = boto3.Session(
# Last read line
atc_last_line = -1
# Init pygame and its mixer
# Open file before main loop
atc_log = open(atc_xplane_log)
# Who spoke last - pilot or ATC
atc_wsl = 1 # 1: pilot, 2: ATC. Initially set to 1
# Main run loop
while True:
atc_lines = atc_log.readlines()
idx = 0
for line in atc_lines:
if "Communication:" in line:
content = line.split()
c_idx = 0
for word in content:
if word == "Communication:":
c_idx = c_idx+1
c_idx = c_idx + 1
new_l_el = 0
newline = ""
for word in content:
if new_l_el >= c_idx+1:
newline = newline + " " + word
new_l_el = new_l_el + 1
if idx > atc_last_line:
# Update last read line
atc_last_line = idx
# Pick a voice - depending on current situation
resp = ""
voice_to_use = -1
if content[c_idx+1] == atc_callsign:
vc = random.randrange(len(atc_voices))
if vc == atc_pilot_voice:
vc = vc-1
if vc == -1:
vc = 1
voice_to_use = vc
resp = "ATC"
atc_wsl = 2
voice_to_use = atc_pilot_voice
resp = "Pilot"
atc_wsl = 1
# Show what has been said so that it can be verified outside of Pilot2ATC - if the user wants it
if atc_show_responses == True:
print(" > " + resp + " - [" + atc_voices[voice_to_use] + "]: " + newline)
# Generate voice!
# Let's keep it at OGG - best compromize between data transfer size and quality
response = atc_polly_client.synthesize_speech(VoiceId=atc_voices[voice_to_use], OutputFormat='ogg_vorbis', Text = newline, Engine = atc_aws_voicemodel)
# And place that into a binary block
data = io.BytesIO(response['AudioStream'].read())
# Place the data into pygame and play it
if resp == "ATC":
if resp == "Pilot" and atc_captain_voice == True:
# Increase loop count
idx = idx + 1

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
A Python script allowing to use standard or neural voices of Amazon Polly, in 124thATC. It does so by monitoring 124thATC's output and leveraging Amazon's Polly technology, to generate voice responses that sound more natural.
The voices that 124thATC can use are those that are available on your system, on Windows this set is usually extremely limited. On top of that, they sound very robotic. Not what you'd want when talking to ATC in a flight. While there are solutions available that leverage AI (custom versions of ChatGPT), the costs are - in my opinion - too high. SayIntentions is my prime example. Clocking in at 30 Dollars per month (at the time of this writing), it is deemed not feasible for most.
I did have a look at ChatGPT itself for ATC, and other available tools. I came to the conclusion that 124thATC is one of the best currently available (for offline use).
Through this Python script, you can make 124thATC sound more natural, providing better overall immersion.
Note: this works fine on Windows. Linux and Mac are untested - but I see no reason why it should not work on those two systems. It is Python after all.
[section]Not entirely free![/section]
[b]IMPORTANT:[/b] Using this approach may end up not being free. You have a free allowance of 1 million characters per month, no matter which model you choose. But after that, using the service will incur costs. How high the costs are, depends on 1) the amount of ATC calls you make. More calls = more characters. And 2) the selected model. Neural voices are much more natural, but they also require more power to generate - hence the higher costs.
To find out what is best for you, have a look at these pages first:
- Amazon Polly Pricing [link][/link]
- AWS Polly Cost Calculator [link][/link]
For example -
If you make 100 ATC calls per day, which have 150 characters on average, you would end up with: 3,000 calls per month, with 450,000 characters in total. Standard Text-to-Speech (monthly): [b]1.80 USD[/b] (again, the standard voice model).
However - I find AWS the best compromise between quality and cost. This is much better than 30 USD per month for SayIntentions.
Needless to say, you will need an AWS account. If you do not have one, you will need to get one now. The account itself is free. Go here to create one: [link][/link]
Then, you will need to provide payment information, in my case it was a credit card. While you will not be charged if you stay within the free allowance, you will be charged if you exceed them. In our case with ATC responses it should, however, not break your bank.
Once this is done you will basically have access to AWS services. You can now log in with your specified email and password as the root user which has access to the AWS console.
Inside the console, go the top right (your name), click on it, and choose Security Credentials.
In the middle you will find the section [b]Access Keys[/b]. Click on [i]Create Access Key[/i] and **WRITE DOWN** the key and secret somewhere, as it will not be shown again. You will also have the option to download a CSV with the credentials - you can do that too and save it to a safe and private location.
If you want to use AWS and its services elsewhere, you are of course free to install the AWS CLI tools. But for this script, it is not necessary.
You will need two Python modules: boto3 and pygame. Install them like so:
[code]pip install boto3
pip install pygame[/code]
Next, open up the script with your favorite editor and make the necessary adjustments as follows:
[code]# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enter your access data and your AWS region
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
atc_aws_key = "YOUR_AWS_KEY"
atc_aws_secret = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET"
atc_aws_region = "SERVER REGION"[/code]
The first two are self-explanatory. These are the key and secret you have acquired in the previous step.
Most regions have access to Polly - selecting the correct region will accelerate the data transfer of audio data from AWS to your machine. Go to this [link][/link] and choose your region. For me that is eu-central-1.
If you want the script to show which voice it has selected and what the response is, you can change
[code]atc_show_responses = True[/code]
to True. Default is True. Setting this to False disables this display per line spoken.
Next, you need to select your voice model. Default is standard.
[code]atc_aws_voicemodel = 'standard'[/code]
Change this to 'neural' if you want to use the more sophisticated voice generation model. Again, keep in mind that this model is more expensive and can incur significantly higher costs should you exceed the free limits.
The next section defines where the text log of X-Plane is located. Typically this sits in the root of your X-Plane installation folder.
[code]atc_xplane_log = "M:\\Flight Sim\\Simulator\\12\\Log.txt"[/code]
This is a default example I left in - you need to find the path of your file. This can also be on a network drive - important is that the Python script can access this location. Notice the double backslashes for the folder delimiters.
You will now need to enter your call sign. In 124thATC when you file a flight plan, you will be asked to provide a flight number which has two fields. What you enter here is your call sign.
In my case, I use "MST" on the left, and "6012" on the right. The resulting callsign will be a string made up of those two with a space. For me this is
[code]MST 6012[/code]
This is what you will need to enter at the line
[code]atc_callsign = "MST 6012"[/code]
Replace this with your callsign.
Next, decide whether or not you want a voice for readbacks and/or communication from the cockpit to be played as audio. If you set this to False, only ATC communication will be audible.
[code]atc_captain_voice = True[/code]
If you set the previous setting to false, you can skip the paragraph.
If you did set it to true however, you will need to determine which voice your captain shall have. It is a number from the array of Polly voices further down in the script. Count the position of the voice, then subtract 1 from that number. For example if voice #13 (Geraint) is the one you want, you put in 12 as the number at this variable. This voice will not be used for ATC communications.
[code]atc_pilot_voice = 12[/code]
[b]Turn off Windows/TTS voices from 124thATC[/b]
Open the Options window, should you have closed it already. There, disable the option "Activate Speech Output" under "Radio" in the bottom left.
[section]Finally: RUNNING[/section]
Once you have done all the above steps, open a command prompt and navigate to where the script is located. Then, simply run
[code]python .\[/code]
You will be greeted with a small message, and the script begins to work immediately. Meaning it intercepts ATC messages it will find in the text file. Once an "update" is detected, the voice is generated and played.
The script can be on any machine you want - important is that the script has access to the text file 124thATC generates.
[section]Detailed configuration[/section]
You can remove voices from each array you absolutely do not like. In this case, remove them, and adjust your number for the captain voice if you want this enabled.
The script waits 3 seconds before it enters its next processing loop. You can change the number in the last value to something else - however: a lower value performs loops in shorter intervals, but is also more resource-intensive. A higher value is less resource-intensive, but provides slower voice updates.
I find 3 seconds to be a good balance.
The sound format is OGG Vorbis. I would recommend you to leave it at that. It is the best compromise between quality and data transfer size.
[section]Future plans[/section]
I may need to figure out how to efficiently read X-Plane's dataref values so that I can further enhance realism. For example only pick another voice if you left a certain area or changed the type of contact. I will be looking into this at some time - for now I am happy with how this has turned out.