import boto3 # pip install boto3 import pygame # pip install pygame import time import io import random import os # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enter your access data and your AWS region # ------------------------------------------------------------------- atc_aws_key = "YOUR_AWS_KEY" atc_aws_secret = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET" atc_aws_region = "YOUR_REGION" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do you want to see ATC messages in the console also? # ------------------------------------------------------------------- atc_show_responses = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The voice model you want to use. # # IMPORTANT: # Depending on the model you want, the prices are per 1m characters # generated vary *drastically*. # 'standard' is the cheapest, 'neural' the most expensive one. # Depending on the model you pick, the list of voices vary also. # # Pricing: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- atc_aws_voicemodel = 'standard' # atc_aws_voicemodel = 'neural' # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define where your Pilot2ATC conversation file is located # This file can be anywhere and have any name - just make sure you # put in the correct absolute path into this variable. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- atc_pilot2atc_log = "C:\\Users\\Marcus\\Desktop\\ConversationText.txt" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # NO TRESPASSING BEYOND THIS POINT # ------------------------------------------------------------------- os.system("cls") print(" ") print(" ---------------------------------------------- ") print(" Pilot2AWS") print(" Making Pilot2ATC sound more natural") print(" ---------------------------------------------- ") print(" Developed by MarStrMind") print(" License: MIT") print(" ---------------------------------------------- ") print(" Using file: " + atc_pilot2atc_log) print(" ---------------------------------------------- ") print(" ") # The voice names available for playback, depending on the model # Of course, you can remove any that you do not like # Sources for voice names: # - # - atc_voices = None if atc_aws_voicemodel == "standard": atc_voices = ["Nicole", "Russell", "Amy", "Emma", "Brian", "Aditi", "Raveena", "Joanna", "Kendra", "Kimberly", "Salli", "Joey", "Geraint"] # After testing, I removed Ivy from this list. It sounded too child-like. if atc_aws_voicemodel == "neural": atc_voices = ["Olivia", "Amy", "Emma", "Brian", "Arthur", "Kajal", "Niamh", "Aria", "Ayanda", "Danielle", "Gregory", "Ivy", "Joanna", "Kendra", "Kimberly", "Salli", "Joey", "Matthew", "Ruth", "Stephen"] # Missing in this list are Justin and Kevin - # they are declared as being young child voices - you normally do not hear children on an ATC transmission. # Setup our Polly session to AWS atc_polly_client = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id=atc_aws_key, aws_secret_access_key=atc_aws_secret, region_name=atc_aws_region).client('polly') # Last read line atc_last_line = -1 # Init pygame and its mixer pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() # Open file before main loop atc_log = open(atc_pilot2atc_log) # Main run loop while True: atc_lines = atc_log.readlines() idx = 0 for line in atc_lines: if " ATC: " in line: line = line.replace(" ATC: ", "") if idx > atc_last_line: # Update last read line atc_last_line = idx # Pick a voice voice_to_use = random.randrange(len(atc_voices)) # Show what has been said so that it can be verified outside of Pilot2ATC - if the user wants it if atc_show_responses == True: print(" > ATC - [" + atc_voices[voice_to_use] + "]: " + line) # Generate voice! # Let's keep it at OGG - best compromize between data transfer size and quality response = atc_polly_client.synthesize_speech(VoiceId=atc_voices[voice_to_use], OutputFormat='ogg_vorbis', Text = line, Engine = atc_aws_voicemodel) # And place that into a binary block data = io.BytesIO(response['AudioStream'].read()) # Place the data into pygame and play it pygame.event.wait() # Increase loop count idx = idx + 1 time.sleep(3)