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# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Your personal aerial satellite. Always on. At any altitude.*
# Developed by MarStrMind
# License: Open Software License 3.0
# Up to date version always on marstr.online
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# tilegen.py
# Generates ZL16 tiles from the generated material, while checking on
# presence of airports, and keeping ZL18 tiles of the specified
# radius in defines.py. This also writes down the correspoding .ter
# files for X-Plane. Be careful: the unneeded ZL18 tiles will be
# removed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from log import *
from functions import *
from tiledb import *
import math
import os
import glob
class mstr_tilegen:
# We only need some values. Also sets up connection to DB
def __init__(self, lat, lng, vstep, max_lat, max_lng):
self._lat = lat
self._lng = lng
self._vstep = vstep
self._maxlat = max_lat
self._maxlng = max_lng
# Connection to DB
self._tiledb = mstr_tiledb(lat, lng)
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Tilegen initialized")
# To write down X-Plane .ter files, we will need to know the exact size
# of the particular longitude we are in, as this value varies depending
# on where you are on a sphere.
# Returned values is in meters.
# The current latitude is needed.
def _findWidthOfLongitude(self, lat):
dm = math.cos(math.radians(lat)) * 111.321 # <- 1 deg width at equator in km
return round(dm * 1000, 3)
# Generates the ZL16 tiles and stores them.
# We generate ZL16 tiles first, then we check which tiles to keep near airports
def genTiles(self):
# The current lat and lng tile numbers
cur_lat = 1
cur_lng = 1
# Actual starting coordinates for ZL16
a_lat = self._lat + self._vstep * 2
a_lng = self._lng + mstr_zl_18 * 2
# Scaled res
scaled_res = int(mstr_photores/4) # For example, 512 for a photo res of 2048
# Find out how many steps we can walk in every direction
steps_lat = int(math.ceil(self._maxlat/4))
steps_lng = int(math.ceil(self._maxlng/4))
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Latitude and longitude steps determined")
# OK... so. Let's finish this.
for lt in range(1, steps_lat):
for ln in range(1, steps_lng):
# Check if we need to do something
if os.path.isfile(mstr_datafolder + "Tiles/" + str(self._lat) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "/textures/" + str(self._lat) + "-" + str(ln) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "-" + str(lt) + "_OG16.jpg") == False:
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Generating missing zoom level 16 ortho " + str(self._lat) + "-" + str(ln) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "-" + str(lt) + "_OG16.jpg")
# Find out which tiles to process
tiles = findZL16tiles(cur_lat, cur_lng)
# Generate the ZL16 image
zl16 = Image.new("RGB", (mstr_photores, mstr_photores))
# Walk through this array
xpos = 0
ypos = int(scaled_res*3)
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
# We may run into situations where ask for tiles that don't exist...
# Let's make sure we can continue
fpath = mstr_datafolder + "Tiles/" + str(self._lat) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "/textures/" + str(tiles[i][j][0]) + "_" + str(tiles[i][j][1]) + ".jpg"
if os.path.isfile( fpath ):
tlimg = Image.open(fpath)
tlimg = tlimg.resize((scaled_res,scaled_res), Image.Resampling.BILINEAR)
zl16.paste(tlimg, (xpos, ypos))
xpos = xpos + scaled_res
xpos = 0
ypos = ypos - scaled_res
# Now save this image
zl16.save(mstr_datafolder + "Tiles/" + str(self._lat) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "/textures/" + str(self._lat) + "-" + str(ln) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "-" + str(lt) + "_OG16.jpg", format='JPEG', subsampling=0, quality=100)
# Adjust
a_lng = a_lng + (mstr_zl_16 * 4)
cur_lng = cur_lng + 4
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Adjusted coordinate values")
# Adjust
a_lng = self._lat + (mstr_zl_16 * 2)
a_lat = a_lat + (self._vstep * 4)
cur_lat = cur_lat + 4
cur_lng = self._lng
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Adjusted coordinate values for next tile loop")
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Tile generation... completed (wow.jpg)")
# BUT! This is not the end. Yet.
# Make sure we keep tiles around airports.
airports = self._tiledb.get_tiles_with_airports()
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Filtering ZL18 tiles for airports")
# The ZL 18 tiles to keep in the end
tiles = []
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Finding ZL18 tiles to keep")
for a in airports:
tiles.append(findAirportTiles(int(a[1]), int(a[2])))
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Determined ZL18 tiles")
# Create a final array to make life easier
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Generating arrays for tiles to keep")
keeping = []
for t in tiles:
for i in t:
# Perform the cleanup
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Cleaning up non-needed tiles")
for y in range(1, self._maxlat):
for x in range(1, self._maxlng):
fn = str(y) + "_" + str(x) + ".jpg"
found = False
for k in keeping:
kfn = str(k[0]) + "_" + str(k[1]) + ".jpg"
if fn == kfn:
found = True
if found == False:
os.remove(mstr_datafolder + "/Tiles/" + str(self._lat) + "_" + str(self._lng) + "/textures/" + fn)
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Cleanup completed")
mstr_msg("tilegen", "Work complete.")
Did we fly to the moon too soon?
Did we squander the chance?
In the rush of the race
The reason we chase is lost in romance
And still we try
To justify the waste
For a taste of man's greatest adventure
I blame you for the moonlit sky
And the dream that died
With the eagles' flights
I blame you for the moonlit nights
When I wonder why
Are the seas still dry
Don't blame this sleeping satellite