292 lines
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292 lines
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Your personal aerial satellite. Always on. At any altitude.*
# Developed by MarStrMind
# License: Open Software License 3.0
# Up to date version always on marstr.online
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# maskgen.py
# The class that generates a mask of the layer it was asked to do.
# This mask will then be used to generate a photo layer, which in
# turn is then used to construct the final photo. It can be argued
# that this part of the code is the most crucial one, as the other
# classes involved rely on what this code is doing, and by extension,
# generating.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
import math
from osmxml import *
from defines import *
from log import *
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageDraw, ImagePath
from random import randrange
from functions import *
import random
class mstr_maskgen:
# Initializes the class with some required variables
# Much of this code is adjusted to work within a class.
def __init__(self, box, vstep, tag, value, isline, subtag=None, subvalue=None):
self._box = box
self._tag = tag
self._subtag = subtag
self._subvalue = subvalue
self._value = value
self._vstep = vstep
self._scale = 1 / math.cos(math.radians(self._box[0]))
self._isline = isline
self._zoomlevel = mstr_zl_16
#mstr_msg("maskgen", "Intialized mask gen.")
# Projects a point into the canvas of the mask.
# Final projection depends on positive or negative latitude or longitude.
def project_pixel(self, pnt, edge):
pdiff = edge - pnt
byT = pdiff * 1000
divisor = 1.0
# Divisor depending on zoom level
if self._zoomlevel == mstr_zl_16: divisor = byT / 64
if self._zoomlevel == mstr_zl_18: divisor = byT / 16
return divisor
# Extract lat/lng from custom extracted nodes block
def latlong_from_id(self, id, nds):
latlng = []
for i in nds:
if i[0] == id:
#latlng.append((float(i[1]), float(i[2])))
return latlng
# Set width of tile - for buildings
def set_tile_width(self, tile_width):
self._tile_width = tile_width
# Numbers needed for the possible building shadow layer
def set_latlng_numbers(self, lat, tv, lng, th):
self._latitude = lat
self._lat_number = tv
self._longitude = lng
self._lng_number = th
# Builds the required mask
def _build_mask(self, xml, is_prep=False):
# Generate empty image
imgsize = 2048
mask_img = Image.new("RGBA", (imgsize, imgsize))
#tilexml = mstr_datafolder + "_cache/tile_" + str(self._latitude) + "-" + str(self._lat_number) + "_" + str(self._longitude) + "-" + str(self._lng_number) + ".xml"
#tilexml = mstr_datafolder + "_cache/tile.xml"
#xml = mstr_osmxml(0,0)
fstr = str(self._box[0]) + "-" + str(self._box[1]) + "_" + str(self._box[2]) + "-" + str(self._box[3])
nds = xml.acquire_nodes()
way = xml.acquire_waypoint_data()
rls = xml.acquire_relations()
mstr_msg("maskgen", "Building mask for " + str(self._box[0]) + "-" + str(self._box[1]) + ", " + str(self._box[2]) + "-" + str(self._box[3]) + ", for " + self._tag + ": " + self._value )
frs = []
# Calculate actual bounding box
bbox = []
# Latitude
bbox.append(self._box[0] + ((self._box[1]-1) * self._vstep))
bbox.append(self._box[0] + ((self._box[1]-1) * self._vstep) + self._vstep)
# Longitude
bbox.append(self._box[2] + ((self._box[3]-1) * self._zoomlevel))
bbox.append(self._box[2] + ((self._box[3]-1) * self._zoomlevel) + self._zoomlevel)
# Building levels, if this is a building
bld_levels = 0
# Generate mask for ONE tag only
if self._subtag == None:
for w in way:
if w[2] == self._tag and w[3] == self._value:
nd = []
for d in way:
if d[0] == w[0]:
if self._tag == "building" and bld_levels == 0:
bld_levels = xml.find_building_levels(w[0])
# Scout through relations as these also make up map data
for r in rls:
if self._tag in r[1] and self._value in r[1]:
nd = []
for w in way:
if int(w[0]) == int(r[0]):
# Generate mask for one tag, PLUS a subtag. This is mostly used for admin areas
if self._subtag != None:
nd = []
wids = []
for w in way:
if w[2] == self._tag and w[3] == self._value:
for w in wids:
for wp in way:
if wp[0] == w and wp[2] == self._subtag and wp[3] in self._subvalue:
for d in way:
if d[0] == wp[0] and d[1] != "NULL":
# Project all pixels
for f in frs:
pts = []
for a in f:
latlng = self.latlong_from_id(a, nds)
if len(latlng) == 2:
# For some reason, sometimes the array is empty. Make sure we have two data points.
if len(latlng) == 2:
# Project the pixel, and add to the polygon shape.
p_lat = self.project_pixel(latlng[0], bbox[1])
p_lng = self.project_pixel(latlng[1], bbox[3])
pixlat = 0
pixlng = 0
pr = 2048
# Draw pixels in direction according to latitude and longitude positions -
# Latitude:
if self._box[0] > 0:
pixlat = int((imgsize*self._scale)*p_lat)
if self._box[0] < 0:
pixlat = pr - (int((imgsize*self._scale)*p_lat))
# Longitude:
if self._box[2] > 0:
pixlng = int(imgsize - (imgsize*p_lng))
if self._box[2] < 0:
pixlng = pr - (int(imgsize - (imgsize*p_lng)))
pts.append((pixlng, pixlat))
# Corel Draw!
imgd = ImageDraw.Draw(mask_img)
# Draw polygons
if self._isline == False:
if len(pts) >= 3:
if self._tag != "building":
imgd.polygon(pts, fill="#000000")
if self._tag == "building":
clr = (0,0,0,255)
# And draw the polygon with that -
# this will be the base color for that building in the layer
imgd.polygon(pts, fill=clr)
# For road specific items, draw lines instead
if self._isline == True:
if len(pts) >= 2: # Only need two points to form a line
idx = 0
for i in range(len(mstr_ortho_layers)):
if mstr_ortho_layers[i][0] == self._tag and mstr_ortho_layers[i][1] == self._value:
idx = i
imgd.line(pts, fill="#000000", width=mstr_ortho_layers[idx][2], joint="curve")
if is_prep == True:
return mask_img
# If this is a building, we need to render the shadow here, as we only know the height
# of the building in this loop.
if mstr_shadow_enabled == True and is_prep == False:
if self._tag == "building":
mpp = meters_per_pixel(self._tile_width) * self._zoomlevel
pix_per_floor = mstr_shadow_floor_h / mpp
total_pix = pix_per_floor * bld_levels
shift = int(total_pix)
fn = mstr_datafolder + "_cache/" + fstr + "_" + self._tag + "-" + self._value + "_layer_shadow.png"
mask_pix = mask_img.load()
bld_shadow = Image.new("RGBA", (mstr_photores, mstr_photores))
bld_shadow_pix = bld_shadow.load()
# Shadow sweep
shf = 1
while shf <= shift:
for y in range(mstr_photores):
for x in range(mstr_photores):
mp = mask_pix[x,y]
if mp[3] != 0:
if x+(shf*2) < mstr_photores and y+shf < mstr_photores:
bld_shadow_pix[x+(shf*2), y+shf] = (0,0,0,255)
shf = shf+1
# Building removal sweep
for y in range(mstr_photores):
for x in range(mstr_photores):
mp = mask_pix[x,y]
if mp[3] != 0:
bld_shadow_pix[x,y] = (0,0,0,0)
# Correct alpha
bld_shadow_pix = bld_shadow.load()
for y in range(mstr_photores):
for x in range(mstr_photores):
sp = bld_shadow_pix[x,y]
if sp[3] != 0:
bld_shadow_pix[x,y] = (0,0,0,120)
# Mark buildings in red
for y in range(mstr_photores):
for x in range(mstr_photores):
mp = mask_pix[x,y]
if mp[3] != 0:
bld_shadow_pix[x,y] = (255,0,0,255)
# Store
if os.path.isfile(fn) == True:
lyr = Image.open(fn)
# Let's apply a trick that came to me one night :)
# Adds random lines to farmland areas
if (self._tag == "landuse" and self._value == "farmland") or (self._tag == "landuse" and self._value == "farmyard"):
lines = Image.new("RGBA", (2048,2048))
mask_pix = mask_img.load()
pts = []
for l in range(21,51):
p = ( randrange(0,2048), randrange(0,2048) )
imgl = ImageDraw.Draw(lines)
imgl.line(pts, fill="#000000", width=1, joint="curve")
lines = lines.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=1))
linepix = lines.load()
for y in range(0, 2048):
for x in range(0, 2048):
mp = mask_pix[x,y]
lp = linepix[x,y]
if lp[3] > 0 and mp[3] > 0:
c = (0,0,0,255-lp[3])
mask_pix[x,y] = c
# Inform
mstr_msg("maskgen", "Mask built.")
# Return the image
return mask_img