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182 lines
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Your personal aerial satellite. Always on. At any altitude.*
# Developed by MarStrMind
# License: Open Software License 3.0
# Up to date version always on marstr.online
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# xp_scenery.py
# This class builds an elevation mesh from provided DEM data, and
# generates all required files that are needed to provide a usable
# scenery package for X-Plane.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import math
import urllib.request
from defines import *
from log import *
class mstr_xp_scenery:
# Set required variables
def __init__(self, lat, lng, mlat, mlng, vstep, latlngfld):
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] Scenery generator instantiated")
self._lat = lat
self._lng = lng
self._mlat = mlat
self._mlng = mlng
self._vstep = vstep
self._latlngfld = latlngfld
self._demfn = self.build_dem_filename()
# Build the correct file name for the elevation model
def build_dem_filename(self, xes=False):
fn = ""
if self._lat > 0:
fn = fn + "N"
fn = fn + "S"
if abs(self._lat) < 10: fn = fn + "0" + str(self._lat)
if abs(self._lat) >= 10 and abs(self._lat) <= 90: fn = fn + str(self._lat)
if self._lng > 0:
fn = fn + "E"
fn = fn + "W"
if abs(self._lng) < 10: fn = fn + "00" + str(self._lng)
if abs(self._lng) >= 10 and abs(self._lng) <= 99: fn = fn + "0" + str(self._lng)
if abs(self._lng) >= 100 : fn = fn + str(self._lng)
if xes == False:
fn = fn + ".hgt"
if xes == True:
fn = fn + ".xes"
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] DEM file name constructed: " + fn)
return fn
# Generate the mesh script for the ortho photos
def build_mesh_script(self):
scr = mstr_datafolder + "z_orthographic/data/meshscript.txt"
# Before we blast all these lines into the file, we need to make sure they do not exist already
write_lines = True
if os.path.isfile(scr) == True:
fnlines = []
with open(scr) as textfile:
fnlines = textfile.readlines()
for line in fnlines:
l = line.split(" ")
if l[2] == str(self._lng) and l[3] == str(self._lat):
write_lines = False
open(scr, 'a').close()
# If we did not find the initial corner coordinate in the script, we can go ahead
if write_lines == True:
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] Writing mesh script file")
# We basically run through all tiles and note down the position of the orthos
# as needed by X-Plane.
cur_lat = self._lat
cur_lng = self._lng
for lat in range(1, self._mlat+1):
for lng in range(1, self._mlng+1):
# The '1' after 'ORTHOPHOTO' defines we want water underneath transparent parts of the DDS texture/ortho.
# This ensures that even if the mesh does not include information for there being a water body,
# we will get 100% correct representation of the water bodies.
scrtxt = "ORTHOPHOTO 1 " + str(cur_lng) + " " + str(cur_lat) + " " + str(round(cur_lng+mstr_zl_18, 6)) + " " + str(cur_lat) + " " + str(round(cur_lng+mstr_zl_18, 6)) + " " + str(round(cur_lat+self._vstep, 6)) + " " + str(cur_lng) + " " + str(round(cur_lat+self._vstep, 6)) + " terrain/" + self._latlngfld + "/" + str(lat) + "_" + str(lng) + ".ter\n"
with open(scr, 'a') as textfile:
cur_lng = round(cur_lng + mstr_zl_18, 6)
cur_lng = self._lng
cur_lat = round(cur_lat + self._vstep, 6)
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] Mesh script completed")
# Find the next "by-ten" numbers for the current latitude and longitude
def find_earthnavdata_number(self):
earthnavdata = []
lat = abs(int(self._lat / 10) * 10)
lng = abs(int(self._lng / 10) * 10)
return earthnavdata
# Construct an X-Plane compatible folder name for latitude and longitude
def xplane_latlng_folder(self, numbers):
fstr = ""
if numbers[0] >= 0: fstr = "+"
if numbers[0] < 0: fstr = "-"
if abs(numbers[0]) < 10: fstr = fstr + "0" + str(numbers[0])
if abs(numbers[0]) >= 10 and numbers[0] <= 90: fstr = fstr + str(numbers[0])
if numbers[1] >= 0: fstr = fstr + "+"
if numbers[1] < 0: fstr = fstr + "-"
if abs(numbers[1]) < 10: fstr = fstr + "00" + str(numbers[1])
if abs(numbers[1]) >= 10 and numbers[0] <= 99: fstr = fstr + "0" + str(numbers[1])
if abs(numbers[1]) >= 100 : fstr = fstr + str(numbers[1])
return fstr
# Acquires the elevation data as needed -
# you can either acquire the older STRM set with lower resolution,
# or a modern LIDAR scan with higher resolution. However, the
# LIDAR files are much larger and generates a more taxing mesh.
# If you are testing, acquire the low resolution file.
# Both versions are coming from my repository at marstr.online .
def acquire_elevation_data(self):
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] Acquiring DEM model data")
url = "https://marstr.online/dem/"
url = url + self._demfn
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, mstr_datafolder + "_cache/" + self._demfn)
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] DEM data acquired")
# Download the X-Plane definition file from my server
def acquire_xes_data(self):
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] Acquiring XES file")
url = "https://marstr.online/xes/"
xesfn = self.build_dem_filename(True)
xp_folder = self.xplane_latlng_folder([self._lat, self._lng])
url = url + xp_folder + ".xes"
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, mstr_datafolder + "_cache/" + xesfn)
mstr_msg("xp_scenery", "[X-Plane] XES data acquired")
# This builds the entire mesh in one go
def build_mesh(self):
end_bt = self.find_earthnavdata_number()
btlfn = str(self.xplane_latlng_folder(end_bt))
xp_folder = self.xplane_latlng_folder([self._lat, self._lng])
scr = mstr_datafolder + "z_orthographic/data/meshscript.txt"
wd = mstr_datafolder + "z_orthographic/data"
dsf = mstr_datafolder + "z_orthographic/Earth nav data/" + btlfn + "/" + xp_folder
xesfn = self.build_dem_filename(True)
# The main command to build the mesh
cmd = mstr_xp_meshtool + " \"" + scr + "\" \"" + mstr_datafolder + "_cache/" + xesfn + "\"" + " \"" + mstr_datafolder + "_cache/" + self._demfn + "\" \"" + wd + "\" \"" + dsf + ".dsf\""
# Individual testing
#scn = mstr_xp_scenery(51, 7, 101, 64, 0.010102, "+51+007")
#scn.build_mesh() |