Marcus Str.
Husband, flight sim pilot, IT specialist

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Building a custom cockpit - Part 3

It is done. The panel is complete. But it has been a very interesting and fun experience to get to this point. I have learned many things... wiring, building, how not to use a wood drill, and to be a bit more careful when it comes to adjustment of already existing drilled holes. Also, next time I am building a panel like this, I will be more careful concerning the choice of material. What I have works for what it is - but in hindsight, I really should have chosen something more sturdy.

Anyways - learning about the wiring was not only important, but then also something to watch out for, especially metal contacts. The first run showed that the whole thing works in general, but many bugs to be fixed. Connecting the screens was a puzzle in and on itself, but managed to do that as well. I opened the panel for the final time last night to get the wiring for the buttons and the rotaries done once and for all. I can tell you that I managed to organize all cables, and every button is working correctly.

I think I will post a video outlining the process in more detail, but for now, some snapshots from the construction process.

The envisioned 3D model of the panel:

And the result in the real world:

© 2024 Marcus Str.