-### Pilot2AWS\r
+# Pilot2AWS\r
A Python script allowing to use standard or neural voices of Amazon Polly, in Pilot2ATC. It does so by monitoring Pilot2ATC's output and leveraging Amazon's Polly technology, to generate voice responses that sound more natural.\r
You will need two Python modules: boto3 and pygame. Install them like so:\r
pip install boto3\r
pip install pygame\r
Next, open up the Pilot2AWS.py script with your favorite editor and make the necessary adjustments as follows:\r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------\r
# Enter your access data and your AWS region\r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------\r
If you want the script to show which voice it has selected and what the response is, you can change\r
atc_show_responses = True\r
Next, you need to select your voice model. Default is standard.\r
atc_aws_voicemodel = 'standard'\r
The next section defines where the text log that Pilot2ATC generates, is located.\r
atc_pilot2atc_log = "C:\\Users\\windo\\Documents\\pilot2atclog.txt"\r