if (self._tag == "landuse" and self._value == "meadow") or (self._tag == "natural" and self._value == "grassland") or (self._tag == "natural" and self._value == "heath"):
amt = randrange(1,5)
for i in range(1, amt):
- ptc = randrange(1, 7)
+ ptc = randrange(1, 14)
img = Image.open(mstr_datafolder + "Textures\\tile\\completion\\p" + str(ptc)+".png")
lx = randrange( int(layer.width/20), layer.width - (int(layer.width/20)) - img.width )
ly = randrange( int(layer.width/20), layer.width - (int(layer.width/20)) - img.width )
- layer.alpha_composite( img, (lx, ly) )
+ layer.alpha_composite( img, (lx, ly) )
+ # Let's do something nice with buildings
+ if self._tag == "building":
+ osm_edge = osm_edge.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=3))
+ layer.alpha_composite(osm_edge)
# We now need to add the seamless border
# Store layer
layer_comp.save( mstr_datafolder + "_cache\\" + str(self._latitude) + "-" + str(self._lat_number) + "_" + str(self._longitude) + "-" + str(self._lng_number) + "_" + self._tag + "-" + self._value + "_layer.png" )
mstr_msg("layergen", "Layer image finalized and saved.")
mask_img.save(mstr_datafolder + "_cache\\" + fstr + "_" + self._tag + "-" + self._value + ".png")
# Inform
mstr_msg("maskgen", "Mask built.")