-Needless to say, you will need an AWS account. If you do not have one, you will need to get one now. The account itself is free. Go here to create one: [link]https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/registration/index.html?nc2=h_ct&src=header_signup[/link]\r
+Needless to say, you will need an AWS account. If you do not have one, you will need to get one now. The account itself is free. Go here to create one: [link]https://portal.aws.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/registration/index.html[/link]\r
Then, you will need to provide payment information, in my case it was a credit card. While you will not be charged if you stay within the free allowance, you will be charged if you exceed them. In our case with ATC responses it should, however, not break your bank.\r