]> marstr Code Repo - marstr/paypal-vr.git/summary
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeFri, 5 Jul 2024 13:50:36 +0000 (15:50 +0200)
2024-07-05 MarStrInitial commit of project to repo master
7 months ago master
Virtual Reality will become commonplace more and more within the next decade. Headsets become more and more affordable and start to penetrate into households. They can be used for gaming as well as professional applications.
Acquiring any kind of goods - be it some item in a game, or purchasing actual goods a la Amazon - will become more and more important as VR gains in importance for all kinds of users.
Through the Godot Engine an implementation is easy: add a HTTPNode object to the scene tree, and perform a POST call to the specified URL, then evaluate the response. In this example, I am calling a URL on my own server, which then in turn performs the transaction through PayPal, and changes the scene accordingly if the purchase was successful.
In this scene, the payment will be triggered if 1) the ray cast is within the PayPal button and 2) the trigger button is pressed by the user.
- Godot 4.1+ to use this project
- VR headset
- Web server which can perform REST calls to PayPal endpoints
- Sandbox business account
- Sandbox buyer account
- Have the buyer agree to vault a payment method, for example Wallet or credit card
- Use vault token for payments within the VR environment
A rudimentary PHP example is provided in the "php" folder. You will have to replace the values as required.
Published under Open Software License 3.0.